DocMoto version 5 is released

This key release consolidates the DocMoto platform, and builds on some of the key technologies. New features include a more streamlined check-in process, new link types and a host of improvements to enhance your efficiency and user experience

User experience is paramount

DocMoto is driven by customer feedback. This release is the embodiment of that principle. Almost every feature and enhancement is a direct response to the needs of you, our customers.

Take a quick tour

Take a quick tour of what’s coming up.

For the full picture take a look through the formal release notes.

Free training sessions

To make sure your users benefit to the maximum from DocMoto v5 we are offering a free 30 minute training session for groups up to 5 to get your users up to speed. Contact us today to book your session.

Notes for on-premise DocMoto server administrators

If you manage your own DocMoto server you will need to upgrade your server for this version 5 release.

In advance of the server being released there are a number of actions that you may like to take.

  • Adding support for universal links
    In version 5 we introduce a new link type which requires a small modification to your Apache server. See here for details.
  • Preparing for trusted SSL Certificates
    In our continuing drive for increased security we are starting to move away from self signed SSL Certificates. For full details see here.
  • CentOS Servers We will be releasing our CentOS server shortly and will advise all customers managing CentOS servers separately. We still recommend upgrading your DocMoto clients to v5.
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