iPads and especially iPhones are ideal devices to use for dictation. But many business users want their dictations transcribed and logged.

In this article we look at how DocMoto can be used to store dictations, and even notify staff that a dictation is awaiting transcription. This article has an accompanying video.

Choosing a dictation app

Before we go anywhere near DocMoto we need to choose a dictation app to work with. We trawled through the available apps on the Appstore and decided to use the well regarded Dictamus from JOTOMI GmbH.

In addition we need an app to transfer our dictations from the iOS device to DocMoto. Again there are several to choose from, GoodReader, WebDav Nav and Documents. For this particular application we chose to use Documents.


The only setup really required is to configure the Documents app to be able to talk to the DocMoto server. This is simple enough, but you do need to have opened port 4984 on your firewall. You will need to add a connection to Documents, using a DocMoto user name and password to connect.

Within DocMoto itself we need to choose where the audio files should be uploaded. In our case we decided to create a single folder “Untranscribed Audio”. We want all unsubsrcibed dictations to be uploaded to this folder.

Using DocMoto Notifications

As we want our transcriber to be alerted whenever an audio file is uploaded we will use DocMoto’s “Subscribe” feature to notify us whenever a new file is added or updated.

That’s it, we are ready to go…

Using the System

To use the system is as simple as it gets. As user records their dictation using their iPhone (or iPad), then using Documents they simply upload their dictation file to DocMoto, dropping it into the “Untranscribed Audio” folder.

Our transcriber then receives an email advising them that the file has been uploaded and is ready to be transcribed.

They transcribe the file and save it back into DocMoto, if necessary relocating it into the appropriate project, matter or case folder.

Developing the system

Setting up this simple system literally took us 10 minutes. We could improve it still further by using DocMoto tags to enhance the workflow of the raw untranscribed files.

Watch the video

Our experience has been captured on a brief “How To video”. Why not take a look.

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